How To Make Jalapeno Aioli Recipe

How to Make Jalapeno Aioli Recipe

This is one of my favorite two to three-minute sauces. This recipe only calls for two to three ingredients, but there are two extra ingredients that are optional. I’ll sometimes use this sauce on my taco bowls and I’ll even use it to spiffy up my eggs for breakfast.

How To Make Jalapeno Aioli Recipe | 2 Ingredients

I never knew what the title aioli stood for, but what I do know is I love sauces, and when I create or recreate sauces, I’ll sometimes add aioli to the end of the name. I’m not sure why, but I feel like it makes it sound better. This jalapeno aioli sauce is flavorful and it has a kick, but you can control that depending on if you like heat or not.

A health tip I will add is to make sure you look at the ingredients of the mayonnaise you purchase. This recipe will work great with any mayonnaise, but I choose to go with brands that have less ingredients and no added sugar. I also stay away from brands that use oils that are highly inflammatory.

My usual oils of choice are extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil. Don’t be fooled by the brands that say on the front of the bottle they’re using olive oil. If you turn to the back and check out the actual ingredients list, you’ll notice one of the first oils will most likely be soybean oil, which is highly processed and leads to inflammation. The first oil they list in the ingredients is usually the one they use the most.

I will link a few of the healthier brands of mayo down below, but other than that the only ingredients you’ll need for the jalapeno sauce are jalapenos slices.

What I find gives this recipe a lot of flavor is the juice inside of the jalapeno jar.

Ingredients You Can Use

  • Mayonaise
  • A Jar of Jalapeno Slices
  • The juice of the Jalapeno Slices
  • Lemon juice (optional)
  • Dill (optional)

If you’d rather not use real mayo, I have a vegan mayo option using aquafaba juice from chickpeas. You can find the recipe here.

How to Make the Jalapeno Aioli

  • Step 1: For One Serving add 3-4 tbsp of mayonnaise to a sauce cup.
  • Step 2: Gather approximately 2-5 (depending on how spicy you want it) jalapeno slices and mince them up finely with a sharp knife.
  • Step 3. After adding the minced jalapenos to the sauce cup, pour in 1-3 tbsp of the jalapeno juice. The amount of juice you’ll use will depend on how much heat you want in the sauce and if you want it to have a thicker or thinner consistency.
  • Step 4: This is optional, but you can squeeze lemon or lime juice in depending on your preference. You can also add a sprinkle of the dill spice or chop 1-2 tbsp of fresh dill depending on what’s in your kitchen.
  • Step 5: Then mix it up and use it right away.

If you’re making this for a larger party ½ cup to 1 cup of mayo, 3 – 4 tbsp of jalapeno slices and approximately ¼ cup of the jalapeno juice. However, I encourage people to not be too dependent on measurements. Simply start off with a few of the ingredients and add more depending on how you like it best.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy this sauce. I like to use sauces on almost all my meals, but especially on the bland ones. If I only have time to scramble some eggs in the morning, I’ll usually turn it into an egg wrap. I’ll use my almond flour Siete tortilla wrap, add a little smoked salmon, throw in some spring mix to get in my raw veggies and top it off with this amazing jalapeno aioli sauce. What can I say it’s better than McDonalds and if McDonald’s had this breakfast wrap I would probably visit there pretty frequently.

If you’re here not just for the recipe, but also because you’re interested in eating healthier I’ll link some of the products I mentioned below. It can be a hard task knowing where to start when transitioning to a healthier lifestyle and whether you’re doing keto, paleo, or simply lowering your sugar intake, I hope that some of the products on my site will help your transition go more smoothly. 

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