Do you want relief without medication? Keto Diet For Acid Reflux

Do you want relief without medication? Keto Diet For Acid Reflux

So you’ve heard about Keto when it comes to weight loss. What you’re wondering is if switching over to the Keto diet for acid reflux symptoms makes sense for you. This blog is here to help you with these questions.

Keto has been beneficial to a lot of people, but others attempt this lifestyle and do not get the benefits they anticipated. It can be because they don’t have the discipline or they’re not doing it the right way. In the end, everyone’s body is different and we all have to understand our own bodies and what works for us. So let’s get into how I stopped taking medication after making healthier diet changes.

Will the Keto diet help get rid of Acid Reflux?

If I was to answer this question based on my own experience I would say yes. Yes, the keto diet is beneficial when it comes to relieving acid reflux symptoms. I know this because it has worked for me.

However, I am only one person, so I’ll take this time to provide more information. There are many resources out there to help you understand why keto can help with acid reflux. I will introduce you to a few key reasons.

Another thing I’ll address is why reducing acid may not be the answer for you. Something my doctor never told me is that antacids can do more harm than good in the long run.

Now that I’m aware of this I choose to give my body what it needs to break down the food properly. This tip also should help you with your symptoms.

While I’ve mentioned how the keto diet has helped me with my acid reflux symptoms I want to break down why that is and how I’m able to do it. Please stick around while I dig deeper into this.

How the keto diet works for people with acid reflux

After doing research on several conditions that either I or my family experienced I realized most of our Doctors were giving us surface-level information.

When I first started experiencing acid reflux symptoms my doctor told me to stay away from tomatoes, garlic, and onions then he handed me a bunch of Nexium samples. He didn’t say too much more than that. Although I did realize that raw garlic and tomato sauce triggered my flare-ups the long-term triggers were even more dire.

I am human so even though I’ve been on keto for several years now there have been times when I have struggled. I try not to be too strict on myself because at the end of the day I will always end up doing the right thing.

Plus, living the keto lifestyle allows me to be able to enjoy certain foods for special occasions. My main thing is not to bring any non-approved foods into my house. That rule has helped me out a lot.

Even without raw garlic and tomato sauce, sugar and carbs always lead to flare-ups. It may not be an immediate reaction, but it ends up getting to that point. And when I realized this I decided to look more into working on my gut bacteria and microbiome.

I am no doctor but there are certain things I have researched down through the years that make way more sense to me than what the standard Doctor will tell you. If you do a Youtube search there is a video titled “Can you improve heartburn with a low carb diet,” where Dr. Eric Westman answers how a low-carb diet can be beneficial to people with acid reflux. Check it out if you get time.

This doctor briefly explains the reason the keto diet or diets like keto are beneficial in reducing acid reflux. He also mentions a book that digs deeper into this study.

If you want to look into this further “Heartburn Cured: Miracle Diet – Eliminate Heartburn Immediately Without Drugs” is a book written by Dr. Norman Robillard that will give you more detailed information about this.

Why Antacids may not be the answer

My mother always struggled with digestive issues, so when I started getting acid reflux I headed straight for the antacids she kept in the medicine cabinet. But this didn’t seem to help that much and it never really made sense why I would have to use Tums all the time.

After doing some research I realized that lowering my acid was doing a disservice to my body. I learned that when we’re younger our bodies are able to produce enough acid to break down food properly. As we get older things can change. Once I understood this I decided to find a way for my body to produce more acid instead of reducing it. If you check out a video titled “How to Naturally Heal Low Stomach Acid by Dr. Axe on Youtube you can get more information on ways to help with this condition. The video below will explain in better detail how lowering acid is not the answer. It will also provide tips on how to heal GERD symptoms naturally.

He also discusses a replacement for Tums called Betaine HCL, something I started taking a while ago that helps my body increase its acid to break down food versus lowering the acid.

In conclusion, I hope this blog helped explain why the ketogenic diet may be beneficial for people who experience acid reflux/GERD. My main goal is to help people find what works for them. I don’t believe everything that works for me will work for everyone. We are all unique beings. But If you’re interested in lowering your sugar and carb intake, or considering switching out Tums for Betaine HCL let me know in the comments below how that works for you.

If you do decide to transition to a low-carb lifestyle to help with acid reflux the easiest way is to start one day at a time. I like to provide what I call Non-recipes to my readers. A way to have a general idea of how to start out your meals without exact measurements or ingredients. Feel free to check out one of my Non-Recipes here.

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