Keto Products at Aldi

Keto Products at Aldi

Healthy keto products are hard to come by. My preference is to cook my own food so you don’t have to deal with all the added ingredients, but it’s not always practical. Below I listed healthier products you can find at Aldi that are good if you’re transitioning to the low-carb lifestyle.

1. Parmesan Crisps

This is also a good option for a snack. Again my preference will always be organic, but the small amount of ingredients definitely makes up for that. If you look at the back of the parmesan crisp bags you’ll notice just a few ingredients, part skim milk, cheese cultures, salt and enzymes.

Another pro about this snack is that it is aged parmesan cheese. Aged is always healthier and to the 75% of the nation that is lactose intolerant, parmesan has such low levels of lactose you may not even feel the effects. Next time you’re at Aldi’s for a treat feel free to try it.

2. Kerrygold and Emporium Selection Grassfed Cheese

I’m happy to list another option that has a very low ingredient list. The ingredients are pretty close to the Parmesan crisps. The other thing that’s good about these brand is that it’s made from grass-fed cows.

There may be disputes as to how much grass these cows are fed, but these are definitely healthier than your normal cheese brand. So next time you’re at Aldi’s considering purchasing regular cheese this may be your better option.

3. Original Beef Biltong

I recently got back into eating beef. For a while, I took red meat out of my diet due to digestion issues. Although I do not choose to purchase this for myself I do find it a healthier option for my dog Cupcake.

The smell of this is so amazing that you can’t help but snack on a few pieces yourself, however, this low-ingredient treat does usually go to my furry friend. The ingredients are beef and vinegar 2% or less of salt, raisin juice from concentrate, and spices. Give it a try.

4. 100% Grass-fed ground beef

There was a time when I chose not to eat red meat and I have no regrets. I do believe it was the best decision that I could make at that time. Now that I’m slowly adding beef back into my life I choose to select organic grass-fed beef.

Most brands use meat with hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. All things I try to stay clear of, so you can’t go wrong with Aldi’s 100% grass-fed ground beef when choosing the healthier option. If you look at the ingredients it simply says organic ground beef, which is what I like to hear. I still choose to eat heavier meats in moderation to keep it easy on my digestive system, but the Aldi brand happens to be my top pick.

5. Avocado Singles

If you are interested in the keto lifestyle one thing they practice is adding fat into your diet, but not just any fats. Avocados are a healthier fat option with a number of benefits. So if you’re a fan, this is a fat you should consistently eat.

Now some people don’t just like avocados, but they like guacamole and prefer not to always have to make it on their own. These avocado singles come in handy for days like this.

6. Organic Blueberries

Blueberries are not on the dirty dozen list. If you’re not familiar the dirty dozen lists fruits and veggies with the highest amounts of pesticides. The problem is pesticides have some pretty damaging side effects.

The EPA says most people’s exposure to pesticides is too small to pose a risk, but pesticides are in so many of our foods I’d rather not take the risk. The EPA also states that pesticides can affect our hormones, nervous system, and our endocrine system.

Now I agree that exposure to pesticides won’t pose an immediate risk, but if you consume it consistently, like most of us do over time you’ll start experiencing symptoms.

I’d rather dodge that bullet by choosing organic options when necessary. Either way, I’m happy that my local Aldi usually carries organic blueberries. So if you’re going to make a blueberry smoothie feel free to check out the organic ones at Aldi.

7. Organic Raspberries

They also carry organic raspberries at my local Aldi. Raspberries as well as blueberries have tremendous health benefits. Plus they’re low glycemic so if you’re trying to eat fruit with lower feel free to stock up on these.

8. Ghee

Ghee is another way to get in your healthy fat. Now there was a time when I threw out butter and started using earth balance and other butter substitutes.

Then I started reading the ingredients and realized I’d rather go for regular butter than fake butter made from highly inflammatory vegetable oils.

People say Ghee is even better because when they make it they remove the lactose. Now I would prefer an organic 100% grass-fed brand which you can find at other places, but if you choose to pick it up at Aldi this brand isn’t bad. You’ll know every ingredient listed on this Ghee plus it has low lactose. Where can you go wrong?

9. Marinara Sauce

This is one of my favorite finds at Aldi because I’ve always preferred marinara sauce over tomato sauce. When I go to my local grocery stores a lot of the tomato sauces are high in sugar for no reason at all.

Since my preference has always been marinara I choose to go with Aldi’s brand. It has no sugar, it’s inexpensive and what do you need for an item that is high on the dirty dozen list like a tomato? You need to buy it organic and this brand just happens to be that, so feel free to use Aldi’s simply nature tomato sauce if you’re in the mood for spaghetti or chicken parmesan. And yes, there are keto recipes available for both of those meals.

Aldi Finds you may want to pass on

1. Tilapia

Well for one, tilapia is loaded with omega 6 which we already consume too much of. Two, the farming practices of this fish, a lot of times, shipped in from China are not great. They have even been known to be fed feces. I choose to stay away from this fish unless it’s wild-caught and even then you may want to eat it in moderation.

2. Strawberries

I have nothing against strawberries except it is on the dirty dozen list. Again this means that this fruit is high in pesticides which can cause a lot of damage to our bodies.

The great thing is that Aldi usually carries an organic option of strawberries in their stores. So if you’re picking up some strawberries choose the better option right over at your local Aldi.

3. Keto Friendly Bagels

It’s really hard to find quality bread now that I live a healthier lifestyle. And although my diet is mainly keto-friendly, not all keto products are friendly to my gut.

Now some people may say wheat doesn’t affect me at all and I understand that. I’m asking you to please do your research on the long-term effects of gluten, which is in all wheat. Gluten is not something you’ll want to eat consistently and although it may not present an immediate effect it may do some real damage long term.

4. Appleton Farms Bacon

I don’t usually shop for bacon, but I have needed to pick it up a few times a year for a specific recipe. I normally go with the turkey bacon option.

Whether your preference is turkey, beef, or pork you want your bacon to be organic and nitrate free. Now I do believe Aldi has a nitrate-free brand with no antibiotics and no hormones. So if you’re in a bind and can’t find a local organic brand that Aldi’s nitrate-free brand will suffice in moderation. However, the Appleton farms bacon at the time of this blog post is a bacon brand you’ll want to stay clear of.

In conclusion, Aldi is a good choice to shop for keto options but like all grocery stores, you should check the ingredients and be a little choosy in making your decisions. Hopefully, this list will be a good start to your Aldi shopping experience.

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